What We Do
Northwest Watershed Institute (NWI) is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation founded in 2001. NWI's mission is to provide scientific and technical support to protect and restore fish and wildlife habitats and watershed ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest.
NWI works with willing landowners and partner organizations to conduct innovative, science-based model projects to assess, protect, and restore watersheds and habitats.
NWI also provides educational events and programs for students and volunteers of all ages to promote understanding of watershed ecology and conservation.
NWI employs up to 12 full-time and seasonal workers, and directly involves 250 community volunteers in restoration work annually.
NWI's current focus is the Tarboo Watershed Program. Since 2002, Northwest Watershed Institute has led 46 partnering organizations in a nationally-recognized effort to protect and restore wild salmon and wildlife habitat in Tarboo Creek and Tarboo-Dabob Bay, one of the few remaining intact lowland stream and estuary systems in Puget Sound.
NWI also provides consulting services in all aspects of habitat and watershed assessment, protection, and restoration to watershed councils, government agencies, Tribes, non-profit organizations, and private landowners. Clients include: Salmon-Safe, Wild Salmon Center, Western Rivers Conservancy, Pacific Rivers Council, Tribes and public agencies.
Most of our activities are conducted in Oregon and Washington, but NWI’s potential area for conducting projects encompasses the natural habitat range of Pacific salmon (west coast of North America and Pacific Rim countries).